The executive board of Local 3599 stands in solidarity with the black community, who have suffered and continue to suffer discrimination on both individual and systemic bases. We encourage our members to be alert, educated, and actively anti-racist. This is the commitment to fight racism wherever, whenever, and in whatever form it may be presented. A core value of the labor movement and unions in general is to give a voice and representation to those who are exploited or oppressed. We know that this aligns with the movement to fight racism, and as it pertains to the workplace, diversity makes us stronger. Please use these resources to take action!
Take the 21-Day Anti-racism Challenge!
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Its not. -Dr. Seuss
The following is a list of resources for you to learn and share. It is not meant to be consumed in one sitting. Keep coming back to make an IMPACT!
Local 3599 is in need of a professional logo! Please submit ideas to the executive board at
Our members are the eyes and ears of the workplace, and we are distributed across a wide geographic area. In order to keep our finger on the pulse with respect to the issues that are important, the executive board of Local 3599 needs to hear from you. Please share your thoughts and concerns often!