Updates from the desk of Local 3599 President


Hi everyone, 

Please review the following bulletin board announcements for Local 3599:

Delta Dental – We are aware of several issues our Upstate membership are experiencing. At this time, I hope everyone has finally received their Delta Dental information.  There was a data base glitch and a delay in the mailings to many of our Upstate membership. We also just discovered that we can continue to use the Upstate GHI Dental insurance through the remainder of the year, so, if you currently have the Upstate GHI Dental Plan you can continue to work with them. Please contact DC37's Health and security at 212-815-1234 for additional information.  There is a link to the DC37 Delta Dental website on our homepage. 

Other Information - If you have not already done so, please fill out your Census information. It is important that the government has a proper assessment of our population since those numbers determine federal and state funding and federal representation.  Please take the time to fill out your Census information and please tell your friends and family to do the same! 


Local 3599 Meeting Reminder: In a previous message I mentioned we will be having a membership meeting the evening of 9/24 (5pm), primarily to present the new draft constitution to the membership.  At that time we plan on reading our draft constitution.  Our Constitution Committee has worked very hard on putting the current draft together and I appreciate all their efforts!  The Local’s Executive Board has reviewed and approved the document.   The next stage is for the membership to be presented it to consider for ratification.  It has been in the works for the past few years. To approve the drafted constitution we must first present/read it to the membership (9/24), and then vote upon it at the next membership meeting (October).  After we approve it, it is passed on to AFSCME for their approval.  Anyone who wants a copy, please provide us with your personal email address so we can send you a copy (we will not be able to provide it through your work email, because we cannot conduct union business in that fashion).     
