Local 3599: NYC DEP Upstate Technical Professional Employees


Regardless of where you are in your career, financial planning must include consideration of preparedness for an untimely death.  This preparedness will likely include a variety of strategies from

Local 3599 received a special presentation for Life Insurance and other options for union members during the General Membership meeting on February 7th, 2024.  Please use the contact informat

The rules around overtime and comptime can be confusing.  To boil it down, we have compiled the rules below.  The most important thing to know is whether your title is covered (C) by the Fair Labor

Local 3599 Members:

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  Its not.  -Dr. Seuss

The following is a list of resources for you to learn and share.  It is not meant to be consumed in one sitting.  Keep coming back to make an IMPACT!

Local 3599 is in need of a professional logo!  Please submit ideas to the executive board at Local3599@outlook.com

National AFSCME News